Chanoyu Chado Sado, The Japanese tea ceremony

Welcome to my blog. Read about various topics related to the tea ceremony. On this blog and other places as well, the Japanese Tea Ceremony is also referred to as "Chadou, Sadou, and Cha no yu (Chanoyu)."

17 December 2008

japanese tea ceremony for foreigners

chanoyu is a blog about the japanese tea ceremony. In japan the japanese tea ceremony is trying to recover from a popularity drop. younger generations are becomming increasingly more interested in foreign cultures and tend to forget about their own. Me, as a foreigner, her in japan, have be come very interested in this ancient and traditional way of preparing tea for guests in a ceremonial way. The japanese tea ceremony is more than just preparing a froth of green tea for the guests. for the true tea master prepares the matcha from his heart and not from the mind. here in japan, the japanese tea ceremony is a life style, an approach to life, with a breeze of meditation and contemplation.
for many newcommers to japan, the japanese tea ceremony is a great way to learn more about the japanese culture and the ancient beliefs and traditions which are inportant in the japanese society. during the japanese tea ceremony keiko (practice), participants will learn proper greetings, use of polite form of the japanese language, learn about other traditional japanese art forms such as wearing a kimono or hakama, appreciation for ceramic ware, Ikebana or Chabana japanese flower arrangement, and japanese calligraphy which is used for writing on the hanging scroll (kakejiku).